All students who major in music must choose a major applied area in which to concentrate based on their principal instrument. This may be voice, piano, or instrumental (brass, woodwind, strings, or percussion.) Students are strongly encouraged to audition during the semester prior to beginning course work at 德克萨斯南方大学. Live auditions are held at least once a semester either during scheduled times or by appointment. You may also audition when one of our faculty members visits your campus or virtually, if needed.


A) Unrestricted acceptance into the applied area with the permission to take music classes according to the curriculum or

B) Probationary acceptance into the applied area with the stipulation that

  • The probationary period will last no more than two (2) consecutive semesters from the date of the audition. The probationary period consists of Fall and Spring semesters. The probationary period can be successfully completed after one semester; however, after two semesters the student must satisfy the minimal requirement for acceptance or seek another major of study.
  • Students under the probationary status must enroll in the MUSA 111/112 for their applied lessons.
  • The student cannot take any 300/400 level music classes while on a probationary status.

Students who have auditioned will receive a letter specifying their audition results. 


Vocalist should prepare one selection in English and are strongly encouraged to prepare an additional song in a foreign language. Song selections may include an operatic aria, 精神上的, 任何语言的艺术歌曲, traditional or patriotic hymn such as The Star Spangled Banner; America the Beautiful, etc.

a. 通过发声来确定音域
b. 默读一段简短的有声节选
c. 展示他们的音调记忆

Pianist should prepare two contrasting pieces at a level equivalent to Bach Three Part Inventions, 贝多芬Op. 49或早期海顿, Mozart sonatas OR a level equivalent to Bach Two-Part Inventions, 莫扎特维也纳奏鸣曲, 克莱门蒂或库劳奏鸣曲.

a. 演奏所有大音阶(2-4个八度)
b. Sight-read pieces such as those found in the Bach “Anna Magdalena Notebook” or Bartok “Mikrokosmos” Book 2 and 3

Percussionist should audition on at least one of the following: snare drum, timpani, 键盘木槌敲击, 或者多重打击. 取决于仪器的选择, come prepared to play rudiments and/or 1-2 solo pieces for the instrument. Major scales should be performed on the mallet instrument. 

Other instrumentalist should prepare two contrasting works such as a movement from a concerto, 特定乐器的练习曲, 或巴赫无伴奏的乐章.

a. Perform one major and one melodic minor scale (2-3 octaves)
b. 念一段简短的工具性节选

Composition students should bring a portfolio of compositions and share details about their intentions and process of composing.

Prospective students intending to major or minor in jazz should additionally prepare a piece within the jazz idiom that demonstrates proficiency on the instrument and various jazz styles (ie., big band, bebop, or a jazz etude or transcription).

a. Improvise over 1-2 jazz standards or the blues progression
b. 读一段简短的节选
c. 执行各种尺度(如.大调、小调、多里安调等.1-2个八度

Lastly, specific instrumentalist should demonstrate the following:
a. Execute melodies in a variety of styles (wind instruments, guitar, bass, piano)
b. Demonstrate comping and reading figures (guitar, bass, piano)
c. Demonstrate an ability to play a variety of time feels and set-up big band figures (percussion)